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When you place an order you are indicating that you agree to the Privacy Policies and Terms of Use we’ve published in our online Help Center.
Here are some important points that you must be aware of before placing an order:
– LEEMANLEDSCREEN.COM sends goods to you from China. As such, you (or the consignee) are IMPORTING. Many countries do NOT charge import duties on private items below a certain stated value. However, you may find that you have to pay taxes when goods you have ordered from us arrive in your country. It is your responsibility to find out about this, and your responsibility to pay the taxes/charges on receipt of the items. If you place this order for your customer please inform your customers about this in advance.
– You must provide a valid phone number. Dropshippers – please provide your customer’s phone number for the courier’s use.
– We strongly recommend you order samples before proceeding with large wholesale orders.
– Please contact us for bulk orders and customized orders, because there are many discounts on prices.
– All our products are covered by our warranty. However, different products have different warranties, please check your product’s warranty firstly and then contact us before the deadline.
– Customers need to return faulty items to us in China. Sometimes the return shipping cost is refundable if we find a mistake was made by ourselves. The cost of shipping replacement products is covered by
Please also take the time to read the Privacy Policies and Terms of Use documents online in our Help Center.
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